No experience in meditation is necessary.

Duration: 1h00

An introduction to an accessible method of reducing stress, enhancing enjoyment of the present moment, and promoting resilience.

Join us for a taste of the transformative practice of Mindfulness Meditation. Daria will present a secular approach to Mindfulness that focuses on what can be practical and helpful in daily life.

This workshop will include:

  • an overview of the global phenomenon that mindfulness has become (history, context today, definitions, misconceptions, benefits), 

  • a short guided meditation, 

  • time for questions. 

  • A guided journaling exercise or short guided practice

You can sit on chairs or cushions, whatever is more comfortable.


No experience in meditation is necessary. 

Duration: 6 sessions - 1h30 each

A step-by-step and in-depth exploration of foundational mindfulness meditation techniques and how to use mindfulness in daily life. Useful take home techniques each week, as you learn to relax your body and calm your mind.

With kindness and curiosity we will learn to become aware of our breath, body, and reactivity. Giving attention to breath is a simple yet profound practice, a portable skill which can help us relax and center ourselves wherever we may be. Connecting in a friendly way with our body can bring a new appreciation of this amazing and often neglected system.

We will explore what it means to be grounded and practice relaxation - very useful skills to use in all aspects of our life. We will also begin to learn the beneficial practices of Loving Kindness meditation.

COURSE: MINDFULNESS - Relaxing The Heart

No experience in meditation is necessary.

Duration: 6 sessions - 1h30 each

In this foundational mindfulness meditation course, we will give space and attention to our heart. By letting emotions be as they are, and turning towards them with kindness, we will practice a refined and highly practical approach to all types of emotional experience. Solutions for the common challenges in mediation will be presented. You will learn a variety of meditation techniques to explore what works for you and learn ways to integrate them in daily life. We will also begin to learn the beneficial practices of Loving Kindness meditation.


No experience in meditation is necessary.

Duration:  6 sessions - 1h30 each

This foundational course explores our relationship to our mind, our thoughts and the power they have to affect our lives. So many of us have busy minds. Mindfulness offers a way of calming and centering the mind which is practical and accessible. Learning ways to recognize our thought patterns and processes in a gentle and non-judgmental way, and solutions for common challenges will be presented. Techniques integrating body, heart, and mind will be explored. We will also begin to learn the beneficial practices of Loving Kindness meditation.

FORMAT FOR ALL COURSES - Each week you’ll receive:

A presentation on a facet of mindfulness practice

  • A short guided meditation

  • Q&A

  • Break

  • A guided journaling exercise or short guided meditation

  • Q&A

  • Ideas for home practice and integration of mindfulness into daily life.

You can sit on chairs or cushions, whatever is more comfortable.

Each week you will also receive guided audio meditations for your home practice.